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We provide you with a number of products that you can use to either use as a add on to your present traffic site, or if your interested into getting into the traffic business, we have a complete solution for you. If your a domain owner and own a lot of domain names, or own a network of sites, and you want a way to deliver traffic to your clients, or count the traffic that your domain names are receiving, then you should check out the DR. Traffic Script. It will not only count your traffic by the day/week/month/year, but you will also be able to redirect it to anywhere you want it to go. We have many new products in the works, and we all products are support by us and we use all of these products for own business, so we wont leave you hanging if you run into a problem, we will even install for you for FREE if you need it installed, the most that is needed for all products, is a Mysql database.